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Cancelled due to Covid-19
Dickens 150

Three artworks submitted to the 150th Charles Dickens Exhibition in Rochester Kent. Each artwork reflects a common theme in Dickens novels.
The artwork '58' (below, left) is based around death in dickens life & novels. Pictured is a print of a skull and a bottle of laudanum a common drug addiction in dickens novels and also a rumoured cause of death for dickens himself.
The Mystery of Edwin Drood artwork (below centre) is a combination artwork of lino print, ink, pen, oil pastel and paint. The artwork was submitted to be the new anniversary cover of Dickens final unfinished novel.
The third artwork 'Broken Entrapment' (below, right) explores the Victorian way of Death and Mourning.  A traditional element of mourning in a Victorian household is to cover all the mirrors in the property. This occurs after the death of a household member until after the funeral, just in case the deceased spirit becomes trapped within the mirror. The shattered element is a reflection of the Victorian suspicion of bad luck when a mirror is shattered.


UCA Canterbury

A part of 51Zero Film Festival's 2020 biennale. This exhibition was situated at the University of Creative Arts, Canterbury for two weeks. Exhibited was a final project from Maddock's degree. This project titled 'Authenticity' is a response to a experience Maddock had in Laos, Asia. Where she visited an almost attraction to see an authentic traditional Laos village, but during her time there she realised that this place was in fact entirely fake. Maddock brings into question the authenticity of experiences and the effect of the tourist gaze on other cultures.
This exhibition featured a selected number of sculptures from the original 'authenticity' installation featured alongside the canvas spray paint artworks reflecting the traditional clothing of Laos.

Sweet FA

Unit 5 Gallery, Hackney, London, UK
'Missing Pieces'

Sweet FA is the group collective of the University of Kent's Fine Art graduating class of 2019. This exhibition was collective organised and curated. Featuring artworks and a video from Maddock's 'Missing Pieces' project.
Missing Pieces is a collection of sculptures from Maddock's Degree show ranging from carboard, wax and plaster to clay. The project has political undertones and questions the representation of world leaders, governments and historical figures and draw attention to world atrocities and corruption. The sculptures were scattered throughout Unit 5 Gallery.

Sweet FA - Fine Art Degree Show

University of Kent SMFA
Historic Dockyard, Chatham
'Missing Pieces'

Exhibited in this show is Maddock's 'Missing Pieces' project. Maddock took over the dockyard creating a trail of sculptural body parts that visitors were invited to follow and engage with as Maddock's sculptures were interactive. The trail became an almost treasure hunt with stamps to collect along the way. One outdoor artwork on display was 'The puppeteer' which was hung from the central crane in the dockyard. The artwork reached out to many members of the public who engaged with the articulated nature of the artwork as when you pull on the attached ropes the fingers flex.

Day of Activism

Studio 3 Gallery
University of Kent
Canterbury Campus

A temporary exhibition of artworks displayed in the Universities Gallery. Works exhibited were a sculptural installation of cardboard by Maddock and other works by her class mates. All the artworks displayed were created within a single day of creativity called the 'day of activism' Artworks made, performed and  engaged with the closing of the school of Fine Art. Students from the campus were invited to join in and protest against this crime towards the arts.

Mouthing off

University of Kent Interim Show
Sun Pier House Gallery, Chatham

Maddock's interim degree show featuring her project 'fragments'. The project composing of many sculptures in various materials such as metal, plaster and cardboard. Maddock focus's on the concept of public sculptures and their relevance in today's society and also the vandalism and destruction of the artworks and what they represent. Artworks were featured inside and outside the gallery with a large-scale sculpture on Chatham pier. The artworks within Sun Pier House Gallery were dispersed throughout so visitors would happen upon random body parts as if they were a missing fragment of a sculpture. Maddock within with project continued to play with the scale, producing disproportionate body parts both monumental and tiny.


Paris School of Arts and Culture
University of Kent

The self-portrait painting titled 'Innocence' was exhibited as a backdrop for the Paris School of Arts and Cultures summer festival. The artwork refers to the oversexualised nature of the female nude in artwork and media both past and present. The artwork also highlights the judgments and labels from others that females face throughout their lives.

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